Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Kitchen!!

Check it, ya'll! Here's my new kitchen.

Apt 4

Apt 3

Obviously, it needs a little renovation and a serious paint job (those cabinets - yikes!!), but I'm excited to get to work on it. It has plenty of light from the big window, a workable layout, lots of floor space to add more storage/work surface, a cool old white enamel sink, and best of all, removable decoration! Yes, someone attached these totally fug tiles with VELCRO behind the oven, and there's a poorly-adhered strip of wallpaper running laterally as a "backsplash." Easy to remove, exciting to replace!! It'll be a custom, tricked-out kitchen in no time, so I'll be baking again by September.

I'm moving in by the middle of August, after a week-long trip to gay it out on Fire Island with my closest buddies. Stay tuned for the house-warming details!



Anonymous said...

wow - kick ass kitchen. looking foward to more baking posts!


thwany said...

nice and spacious

Anonymous said...

I saw this and thought of you:

for your new kitchen, Baker

Anonymous said...

Good God Christian, that was not the link I meant to post!!! (above)

This is:

I am so so sorry, I just noticed and I got chills down my back when I clicked on the link. I don't know how it happened. Best of luck in the new kitchen - love the blog, love your style