Monday, October 15, 2007

Blirgin attempt.


This is my first ever attempt at blogging. I started it because I figured it would be a good avenue to combine my mix of cooking, baking, photography, and maybe music (though I'm not sure how I can incorporate music into this thing. I'm a complete blog virgin. A blirgin? Yuck.)

I made a pie just yesterday for an apple pie competition at a little restaurant/bar in Greenpoint, Brooklyn called Enids. It's a fun competition - lots of people really know their shit when it comes to baking these days. I won the grand prize a few years ago, then Prettiest Pie the following year. Last year nothing, and this year, nothing. Too bad. The other entries looked fantastic, though. I photo-documented the whole process yesterday, from start to finish. And I learned that Jens Lekman's new CD is great to bake to on a cool, sunny fall day in Brooklyn.

I really love baking. It's like magic, only it's not. It's science. You combine some random powders and fats and liquids, and voila - a cake. Or a flaky pie crust. Or buttercream. Or a giant waste of money.

I'm hoping to open a little bakery one day, but I find I sometimes lose my motivation. It seems so overwhelming. I think another reason I'm starting this blog is to get the ball rolling.

There'll be more posts to come, I suppose. This definitely gives me something else to do at my current job, and I always like the distraction from analyzing spreadsheets. I can't believe I even do that. Ugh.

I'll try to get some of my pictures up soon. Thanks.


Mike said...

The pictures are gorgeous. I especially like how sensuous you make the apple peels look, a good match with the Jens Lekman aesthetic. I want more! More, more, more! Keep it up.

wonderfulbryan said...

I would visit your bakery regularly. shit, I'd even work the counter! (I give GREAT counter.)
Your pictures are fantastic. Your blog looks great!

Unknown said...

He does give great counter. I'd be glad to be your architect if you ever need one.

Christian said...

Thanks fellers! Gosh, that's so nice. One question...

Bryan and Matthew who? I can't tell who ya'll is.


There has to be a "setting" for that, right? Dang.